Mgr. Ladislav Novotný

  • Ladislav is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at Masaryk University in Brno;
  • After completing his master’s degree, he spent 9 years working on operational programs at the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports, where he primarily focused on public procurements audits. During this period, he gained experience in the field of grants, particularly in the creation, implementation, and monitoring of compliance with grant rules;
  • In 2022, he joined a small law firm in Ostrava as a junior attorney, which practises general law;
  • At MT Legal, he primarily focuses on the area of public procurement.

MT Legal s.r.o., advokátní kancelář
Jugoslávská 620/29
120 00 Praha 2 - Vinohrady
Telefon: +420 222 866 555

MT Legal s.r.o., advokátní kancelář
Jana Babáka 2733/11
612 00 Brno - Královo Pole
Telefon: +420 542 210 351

MT Legal s.r.o., advokátní kancelář
Bukovanského 30
710 00 Ostrava - Slezská Ostrava
Telefon: +420 596 629 503